Sunday, June 14, 2015

Paper Two reflection

Paper two reflection

I started out feeling a bit more comfortable doing my second essay. I believe because I read the Glass Castle and was very interested in it. I thought I knew more of what I needed to write a decent essay,
I still believe it is very hard for me to get my thesis down and to organize my paragraphs, I need to work on that as well.
I changed my theme three times because after reading so many quotes it was clear to me that forgiveness and unconditional love was a theme throughout the book.
Once I submitted my first rough draft through smart thinking the overwhelming feeling started, I realized I need to do a lot of work.

I sent my rough draft to Alyssa my peer in class and I can’t tell you how much she has helped me. Alyssa took the time to go over my entire rough draft. She is good at what she does, and she gave excellent feedback and suggestions, and I have used most of them Alyssa is a good writer, and I respect her opinion and writing. I enjoyed getting Alyssa’s feedback, but I do not think I am very good at giving feedback on reviews which is odd since I am a manager and give yearly reviews to my employees all the time. 

I second guess my opinion on writing and giving feedback to others. Maybe because this is my first writing class or because I have not been in college since the “80’s” not sure why. I think I am more of a blogger more of a conversation writer than an academic writer.

I did not like doing the peer reviews and felt overwhelmed.  I had issues getting online for two days but honestly to sit and go over two of my peers you need to sit and have time. Time is what I do not have a lot of.

I do a lot of my class work during work in my office during lunch and have noticed not just in class but in my work everything is rushed. I need to take more time and set aside time for me. I am not going to worry about work because it will always be there, and as far as housework I have children for that.

My professor gave clear examples of how to come up with your thesis.
First, choose a theme to explore in the text. Then, come up with a question about that theme. The answer to your question will be your thesis. 
Example: Theme: Parenting 
What can we learn about the relationship between parenting and a child’s success in The Glass Castle? Think about the narrator herself, what she would say and what you observe. 
Answer: Thesis
This example is simple and helped me out starting with my paper. I am also going over my professor’s feedback on my first paper along with my smart thinking tutor and changing my second paper up a bit.
By the end of the week, I am completely overwhelmed and glad it’s the end of the week but also looking forward to week five.


  1. My thoughts are very similar. I find it difficult to get started, and thank goodness we were given a prompt to work from. Otherwise, I think I would STILL be staring at a blank screen!
    We are pulled in many directions, and if you are like me- you refuse to fail at any one of them. This creates a great deal of self imposed stress! I, also, need to fins time for myself.SO- I'm getting my work done now & going boating!! :)

  2. Kelly!

    You are so sweet -- thank you! Your feedback definitely helped me see how my thoughts were coming across to a reader who hadn't listened to me talk about what my thesis was before reading (poor Hubby must have read that thing half a dozen times!). I really appreciated your input and perspective.

    I think we were all a little nervous about the peer review part -- I know I was! That's a huge responsibility when I don't think many of us are completely comfortable with what we are trying to say. Then to read someone else's paper and try to give them direction...AH! You did a great job, though, and I appreciated it. :-)


  3. Hi Kelly,

    I can really appreciate your issue with not having time. It is hard. I struggle with it as well. I can understand how you felt about providing feedback, it is not easy especially when we don't really know each other. I can see progress coming as we move through the course, I am sure all of us will grow in our writing and our analytical skills.
